"Sometimes you've got to let everything go - purge yourself. If you are unhappy with anything ... whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you'll find that when you're free, your true creativity, your true self comes out. " Tina Turner A ligustrum tree grows outside my kitchen window. What started out as a bush has grown into a lush, branch-filled tree. To humans, the ligustrum looks like your basic tree with a brown trunk, green leaves, and, in the spring, sweet-smelling white flowers. But to the animals that live in my backyard, the tree is a veritable wonderland. As I wash the dishes, I can watch my own version of the Animal Channel. I'm never sure what I'm going to see. The view is such that I can see right into the middle of the tree where squirrels and a variety of multi-colored birds eat the seeds they've culled from the nearby feeder. Most days the squirrels are on the run, using the maze of branches as a speedway to get from poin...
Showing posts from September, 2008
Yeh, But .....
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"Let’s laugh to the point of tears– not laugh at each other but at life and all it throws our way." Carol O'Dell It's almost 11:30 on a Sat. morning. The house is eerily quiet - peaceful. The dog has refused to go outside or eat breakfast because Dad is still asleep. I know I should go back and check on him. I should at least stand at the door and see if the covers are moving up and down with his breathing. But right now, I'm kind of reveling in the solitude. If he's asleep he can't say anything mean to me and if he's dead ... well, God forgive me, it won't matter if I let him lie there for a few more minutes while I prepare myself for what comes next. I remember one day from years ago, when my mom was still alive. I slept upstairs and kept my own schedule - sort of. Usually Dad got up before, or with Mom. I know he thought he was protecting her (from what?), doing right by her, but I also know she enjoyed the quiet morning time to herself. She cou...
I Am or I Do ???
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"Just as a hand becomes calloused to toughen sensitive skin, so does a human doing become insensitive to “feeling” the emotions of those around him." http://interveninc.com/ I woke up this morning thinking maybe I've got things backwards. Perhaps I've been putting too much pressure on myself to "do" something - something that produces not only success but identity. Maybe I should stop trying to define myself and just "be" myself; be rather than do. Hmmmm?????? Instead of saying "I'm a lover," I can say "I love." Rather than define myself as a giver, I can simply give. And instead of worrying about whether or not "I'm a writer" I can just I write. Somedays I write more than others, but writing is what I do not what I am. Wow! By simply switching a couple of words around, I feel like there is less pressure to perform... and perform well, of course. Seems like as long as I can remember I've tried to be what so...
I Am
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"When I discover who I am, I'll be free." Ralph Ellison (Novelist, Essayist, Short story writer) I AM ...... a girl a daughter a sister a wife a mother a grandmother a quilter a reader a friend a Christian a listener a cook a caregiver a homemaker a dreamer a lover of babies, trees, ocean waves, mountains, sweet songs, mystery novels, photographs, Coca Cola, girly movies, dancing, colorful birds, butterflies, friendly dogs, fancy stationery, Sharpie pens, a certain boy with blue eyes, mechanical pencils, soft, cotton fabric, crackling fires on a cold day, roasted marshmallows, Fall foliage, the smell of lavender, stained glass windows, cats, tulips, long, hot showers, precision haircuts, comfy quilts, purple roast beef, birthdays, flannel shirts, well-worn jeans, Birkenstock sandals, colorful socks, run-on sentences and more .... But I'm not sure I'm a writer. I went to my writer's group last week. I felt a little like a fake. I felt like a wannabe, not an act...
Hurricane Schmurricane!
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"Success always comes when preparation meets opportunity." Henry Hartman Meteorologists have placed what they called Hurricane Ike's "cone of opportunity" right over Key West. Uhh, that would be the same Key West where my son lives. My son who says that even if there is a mandatory evacuation, he's not going anywhere. Not the words this mother likes to hear. I have to laugh, however, because that's the same thing my 91 year old father says. "I'd rather be stuck in my own house than on I-95 going nowhere!" Even though there is some geriatric logic to that, I can't stop thinking about the four days we spent without electricity (i.e. air conditioning and ice) when Hurricane Fay blew over and dropped 12 inches of water on us. I wonder if locking the doors and heading inland at the first sign of rain isn't the best answer. Alas, there is very little chance that I'll ever find out. I come from "be prepared" and "batten ...
Happy Birthday Wendy!
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"Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time." Jean Paul Richter (German novelist and humorist) Dear Wendy, In honor of your special day here is my wish for you: 1. A sunn y day with blue skies and big, white, puffy clouds 2. Crow si ghtings 3. Oolong tea in a pretty cup 4. Celebratory phone calls 5. Dog hugs and kitty kisses 6. A new hoodie 7. A long soak in a warm, bubbly tub 8. Fresh fruit of your choice 9. A handcrafted felt purse 10. A tall frosted glass of delicious iced tea 11. Baby coos and smiles 12. Good music 13. Chocolate chip cookies 14. Tim e to ponder old memories 15. Homemade guacamole 16. Sunflowers 17. Chocolate chip cookies 18. Time to dream new dreams 19. A cake full of candles 20. Money in your pocket 21. Kodak moments 22. Something silver 23. A gathering of good friends 24. An urban walk 25. A nap! 26. Michael Connelly books to read 27. Cousin capers 28. Brown things to warm your heart 29. Pork chops and applesauce 30. Crispy clean sheets toppe...