Just Another Day in the Park

"Take a walk with Mother Nature. It will nurture your mind, body and soul." Anthony Douglas Williams Merry ME Adventure Girl While I haven't been writing as I thought I would, I have kept up (mostly) with my daily walks. I've gone out bundled up against the Florida cold (nothing like Bostonian cold, but still chilly) with a hoodie and gloves. In the last few days, it's been warm enough to shed even a lightweight jacket. Walking around the neighborhood has gotten boring, so I tried something different today. Sweetie and I went to the Jacksonville Arboretum. I'll be honest, until recently I didn't even know Jacksonville had an arboretum. I read last night about a few nearby places with nice trail walks. Woodsy places where you can walk with a child or dog and imagine you are no longer in the city. The Arboretum was #1 on the list so I decided to go with it. My intention was to get up early (who am I kidding?) and hit the trail. When Sweetie c...