Pretty In Pink ?????
"In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing." Theodore Roosevelt Dear Friends and Blog Followers, I have decided I've been messing around with a new blog long enough. Since I do not have my own computer with my collection of photos and inspirational quotes I was getting nowhere with a design I liked. Thus I made a 2nd decision - to come back to the place I started and feel comfortable - with a few changes! The first and most evident change is the color. It is pink isn't it? Pepto-Bismal pink! According to my friend Dani who knows about these things, pink is the color associated with unconditional love. Since I've been having some difficulty lately in the feeling lovable department, Dani suggested I surround myself in pink. Pink is not a color I would normally choose for myself but I decided to try it. I wore a pink sweater to church last week and was s...