If poop happens ... So does Love
"W" is for Willamina

"W" is also for wise, wacky, wonderful Wendy.

It's not that I forgot my daughter's birthday. I've been thinking of her all morning. It's just that she lives on the West coast and I live on the East coast, so I tend to subtract three hours from my thoughts as if I were trying to call her and not wake her up. Then before you know it, the day gets away and it looks like I forgot.
Anyway, today is the anniversary of the day a nurse placed a tiny burrito-wrapped baby girl in my arms and changed my life forever. Everything good and pure and holy wrapped up in a pink blanket. How cool is that?
My baby girl is all grown up. Today she is 39 years old. Yikes! 39? Where did the time go? It is so full of memories you'd think it would be too heavy to move so quickly. Though I could make a good stab at it, I don't think I could begin to encapsulate the years by writing here on my blog. Instead, I'll just say Happy Birthday Baby Girl. It's been a long and winding road from that day to this. I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
I love you more than multicolored balloons, sunflower bokays, dinner with friends, the color brown, Kermit green hoodies, the sound of your magical laughter and Wild Montana Skies all rolled into one.
Your Mother,
Merry ME
Wendy is a wondrous woman who makes me weep and woozy and wilt with wonderment when I think of her worldly wisdom and wit. She is the personification of the letter W - my favorite warmhearted woman child of our family writer. Wendy, you are a Wow! L