My Blog-iversary

Five years ago today I started this blog. Five years? How can that be? I barely even knew what a blog was back then. But I did know that I had words inside of me that didn't want to stay bottled up any more. Computer journaling seemed as good a way as any to start working on stretching my writing muscles.

When I look back I am amazed to see how technology has put me in contact with people I would never have known. For instance when I started writing, I only had a few followers and they were all relatives. I didn't know Terri St. Cloud which means I didn't know Pam, or Dani, or Sorrow, or Molly, or Mandy, or Stephanie, or Patty. And I hadn't read Mothering Mother so I didn't know Carol O'Dell, had never been in a writing group before, had never been brave enough to submit my writing for critique, let alone publishing, and I didn't have the beret-wearing friends known as Le Chat Noir. I'd never talked on the radio, never had my name in the author section of a book, never heard people say, "you ARE a writer, even if you don't know it" instead of something more ego-busting like, "go put THAT in your blog" accompanied by a mean face and hurtful look.

So here's to ME! And to writing! And to being brave! And to keeping at something for 5 years. That's a pretty good record for me.

Today was the first day back to the writing group since the holiday break. Remember how before cell phones with keypads that take pictures when you'd start back to school and couldn't wait to share all your new clothes or fancy gadgets. It was the same with us, except we shared about our lives and filled in the blanks of the past month. There was a hush at our table upon learning the death of someone close to two of our members, but mostly there was laughing and heartfelt support from each of us to each of us. I truly am blessed to be a part of this group.

In order to get our thinking caps back in working order, Carol suggested we make a list of things we love. As I crawled back into bed yesterday morning - the coldest we've had so far - after coercing the dog to go outside to pee without me, I made the list in my head. My poor short term memory makes that exercise kind of pointless but it did make for an easy transition back to the land of nod. I'm not sure I could come with 1000 things I love (a la 1000 Awesome Things) but my list wasn't too shabby. Maybe I'll start it here then move it over to my sidebar and keep it going.

Things I Love ...
1. My Sweetie
2. My kids
3. My grand daughter
4. Amazing Gracie
5. My sisters
6. My aunts, uncles, and cousins
7. Silly old hound dogs
8. Kitties
9. Rib eye steak cooked medium rare
10. French bread for dipping
11. Panera's Broccoli Cheese Soup
12. Quilts
13. Books
14. Long hot showers
15. Writing
16. Feeling loved in return for loving
17. High mass with organ music
18. Communing with God in the holiness of the great outdoors
19. Babies
20. John Denver songs
21. Flannel pjs
22. The sound of the ocean lapping the beach
23. Birds singing outside my window
24. Sitting on Buck Bald and taking it all in
25. The Grand Canyon

Okay. I think that's enough for now.

Today I'm grateful for blog friends I've never met face to face but who have encouraged and inspired me. I'm grateful for my writing group buds. And I'm grateful to Weneki and Just Jenni who convinced me I should try blogging.

Wishing for you an opportunity to do what you love,
Merry ME


QnDani said…
Happy Blogiversary!! I for one am so glad you decided to do it in the first place!!

Also - love the new design!!

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