And the winner is ....

(drum roll please)

Sweetie's granddaughter pulled Nightbyrd's name out of the proverbial hat. Actually it was my mom's cast aluminum dutch oven. I used it the other day to make soup in and have kept it out. It's odd, but it has made me feel my mother's spirit close to me. Go figure.

Thanks to all of you who donated, spread the word around your blogs and FB pages. I'm grateful to be reminded of all the big hearted people in the world.

I've put most of my fabric back in the closet. During my latest sewing blitz I've learned that it is fun to pull it all out again. I think my next quilt will be one for Malala. It will also be a donation quilt. Keep posted for more information after the first of the year.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. May your dreams be full of plenty.
Merry ME


nitebyrd said…
Dear Ms.Merry ~ I cannot express the joy that you have given me today! Although I've lived in FL for a very long time, I am a New Yorker at heart. The devastation that Hurricane Sandy caused to my home state, broke my heart. Since I donated to the Red Cross prior to finding your blog via Illumination, I felt that the displaced animals could also use some help. I am an animal lover. Your beautiful thoughts compelled me to dig deeper and offer assistance to those that had no voice. Because of your generosity and beautiful spirit, I was able to open mine and offer help to those that so desperately needed it. Having lived through several hurricanes here in FL, I know the heartbreak and trials that have to be gone through. It is something you don't want to live through but nature is a force we must live with and can't live without.

You have made my holiday season so amazing! I will adore your quilt because I know it was made with love and given from the heart. Thank you with all my being. You are truly an amazing soul!

I'd also like to thank all those who shared and donated. Your spirit is the light that makes life worth living!
Anonymous said…
You have no idea Miss Merry how AWESOME Nytbyrd is! She is one of the most generous and sweet souls I have ever met, she walks for Susan G komer every year, and I think she is one of the very best souls!
I am so tickled that she won this!!!
terri st. cloud said…
how wonderful nitebyrd won it!!!
congratulations to you. i know it will be loved and cherished.

and mary, what an incredible thing you did. the world is better because you are in it.

enjoy the quilt nitebyrd!
nitebyrd said…
Mary, I received the quilt today. It is MAGNIFICENT!! Thank you so very, very much.

I would like to wait until my daughter, SIL, son & DIL are all here for Christmas to take a picture.

Thank you, again. (((hugs)))

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