Chats Retreat - The End
[Note: I'm writing this from home, but want to keep things in order) It's hard to imagine that things could have gotten better. They did. After dinner we gathered in front of the small, but warm, fire. I slouched in a leather chair. Amy beside me in her chair, Carol F, backed up to the ottoman in front of me. Laura sat near Amy, Leeanne and Louise shared the couch. Carol O. sat center stage on the hearth. As the founder and facilitator of Chat Noir Writers Circle, she could have shone like the sun, while we, her planets circled around her. Instead, she sat among us, an equal and leader at the same time. Her brightness enhanced by the light of her friends. Hard to pull off, but not for Carol. Our last night together began with Leeanne, Laura, Amy and both Carol's sharing their vision boards. It was amazing to see how board reflected its maker's beauty. We noticed how Leeanne's favorite color turquoise, stood out among the pictures and words she chose. A...