Chili's,The Broken Cheeseburger, and You

Do you want to help, but not sure how?
Why not go out for dinner at Chili's?
Be sure to click on the link below and read the Broken Cheeseburger Story.
It is a great example of what I've been suggesting about being present and aware in every moment.
It's possible the waitress in the story was having a fight with her husband before work, or maybe her kids were sick, or maybe she had a large, rowdy party at another table. Who knows?
What we do know is this Lauren, paid close attention to the little girl who couldn't eat her cheeseburger because it was broken. She used her heart and her head, as well as her hands to give this family her best service.

Let's hear it for Lauren and the rest of the Chili's, staff who turned what could have been a not so good dining experience into a memorable one .
And let's plan on eating at Chili's next Monday.
Easy, peasy, if you ask me.

Merry ME

April is Autism Awareness month. CLICK HERE to read the 'Broken Cheeseburger' story and see what inspired Chili's to support this cause.

Dine with us this Monday, April 7, and we'll donate 10% of your check to National Autism Association.

Present the flyer linked below OR mention your support of National Autism Association to your server, and we'll donate 10% of your check.*


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