December 23 - Delight
"Beauty goes beyond mere necessity. Grace, gracefulness, graciousness take us beyond mere necessity to a place of delight, even joy." Br. Mark Brown, SSJE There's a lot I can say about my Sweetie. He makes me laugh. He holds me when I cry. He tells good stories. He's mostly a good driver, except when I'm backseat driving and yell, "Look out!" He likes to read. He likes to write. He's organized in a way that I will never be. He loves cats. Dogs too. But there's a soft spot in his heart for big gray English Blue cats. He's never met a potato chip he didn't like, but he prefers Wavy ones. He's a volunteer Guardian ad Litem. He's patient until he's not, then he blows up. The good part about this is, it doesn't take him long to be is okay again. (Unlike me who lets things fester) He likes back scratches. He doesn't say anything when I sleep in late … really late. Or steal most of t...