A Woman of Letters

My friend and writing coach told me once that even when I'm not writing, I'm still a writer. At the time it sounded like a convenient excuse. If someone asked me "what do you do?" I had permission to say "I'm a writer" even if I hardly ever sat at the computer to write. Writer sounds so much better than Facebook junkie.

I'm shocked to see I haven't posted anything on this blog since the beginning of March. While I often think about the drafts I have in my saved file, I haven't had the motivation to go back and pick up where I left off.

Like this poem, I started:
Good Friday.
A day of mourning. 
Maybe that's why I dreamed that my father was dead only I didn't believe it.
Mourning is a long arduous journey
It bends in places you'd never expect,
twists around curves when you want to go straight,
Goes left when you want to go right ….

I have no idea where I was going with that.

Some of the bloggers I follow have long spaces between their posts, yet there is a flow that lets me, the reader, feel like they were never gone. Like old friends exchanging snail mail.

Ahh, snail mail.
I may not have been writing on my blog, but I did pretty good at keeping up my self-imposed Lenten discipline of writing to a friend every day for 40 days. I missed a few days, but I made it to Easter feeling better for the time spent, not so much in prayer or fasting, as in communication with others.

There is something about the act of choosing a card, picking up a pen, writing a note, sealing an envelope, placing a stamp and dropping said letter in a blue box that is more fulfilling than sending an email. And even if I write a blog with the same intent as I write a letter, the letter carries a personal touch that the blog lacks.

Maybe next time I'm asked what I do, I'll say I'm a woman of letters. It has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

Teaching myself to keep it short,
Merry ME


Debbie said…
You're back, lovely to see you!
MamaJoe said…
So glad to see you here...writing and sharing. This post gives me the freedom to declare that I am a woman of letters. I find myself writing the most wonderful and clever quips that rumble about in my head and then refuse to cooperate and show up on paper. Kudos to you for being honest and giving a peek into your writing life.

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