When in Oklahoma ...
... do as the Okies do.
Right down the street from the Ramada where Sweetie and I stayed in Tulsa is not one, but two of the largest western wear stores I've ever seen. That might not be saying much since I haven't seen that many western wear stores.
When we walked into Drysdales we were greeted by a sweet, leathery smell, and a sea of hats, boots, blue jeans and western paraphenalia. Except for being a bit pricey, it has to be a cowboy's clothing heaven. If diamonds are a girl's best friend, then denim is undoubtedly the same for an Oklahoma native. We gave ourselves away as strangers in a strange land when I pulled out my camera and started taking pictures. Like being 6 years old and standing in Macy's storefront Northpole.
Hoss Cartwright eat your heart out! |
After about an hour we left without making one purchase, and headed down the street to Drysdale's competitor. Sweetie thought they were even pricier, if you can imagine that. Eventually it was time to quit playing and head back to the motel to change for the wedding. It was a fun day in a let's pretend world.
Wishing for you delightful things to try on,
Merry ME
P.S. I am not too pleased with the new blogger. It's gonna take some getting used to.