Permission Slips

A couple of years ago when my father was dying and I was trapped in the body of a caregiver, I found a blog friend who was going through the same thing. Only the man she was caring for was her husband, not her dad. There were a lot of similarities in our situations, but a lot of differences too. Needless to say there are common caregiving woes and Patty and I were up to our eyeballs in the thick of them. I loved reading Patty's blog, but I also looked forward to the days she felt like painting and sharing. I was amazed at her ability to transcend her emotions and lose herself in a world of paint. I tried to do the same with words, without the vibrant colors.

In the early morning hours, a short time before her Michale died, Patty pulled out her journal of permission slips to "find something positive to hold on to." Funny how your mind words at 2:00am - if it works at all. Patty realized that there must be others sitting in their beds, or chairs, at the kitchen table, or by their loved one's side, who also need "permission." And then she did the bravest thing I think an artist can do. She asked StoryPeople to publish her collection of permission slips. It you are aware of the StoryPeople, then you already know it's a perfect fit. If not, think fun, bright colors, sayings from the heart and more. That's what StoryPeople is all about.

I haven't had much experience but I do know that after you send a query letter out to publishers there is a lot of waiting to be done. Sometimes you hear back, with a polite no thank you, sometimes you don't hear back at all. And great jumping Jehoshaphat sometimes you get a letter that says, "we love your book and want to publish it." From there it just gets better. I'm sure there is a lot of work and legalese somewhere in between start and finish, but the end result is this:

In case it's too small to read, it is the notification that today is the official release date of Patty's book.

I got my copy a couple weeks ago and sat right down to read it. I think there is something so much juicier (a SARK word) about reading a book by someone you know.  A writing buddy told me recently that I have a "wonderful talent and gift to be able to get excited for others when they have success." I can't think of a better compliment. And I'm hear to tell you I've been pee in my pants excited for Patty.  So I'm here today to tell you to give yourself permission to pick up a copy. You'll be glad you did. 

Permission Slips for Your Heart and Soul
by Pattricia J. Mosca

Wishing for you permission to dream big,
Merry ME


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