Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
Amy & Frankie* It is with great excitement that I announce the brand new web site of my friend and writing buddy Amy Quincy. Please go check it out. Amy has a degree in Creative Writing which may have taught her the ins and outs of writing technique, but I think she was born with the innate ability to tell a good story. Amy's terrific sense of humor comes across loud and clear in each of her stories, even when the subject matter could be considered anything but funny. Amy is an inspiration to me. In my opinion anyone who decides to bike around Europe by herself is both brave and a little crazy. Amy is a "just go for it" kind of gal. Her enthusiasm is infectious. After spending just a few hours with Amy, I was almost ready to tell Sweetie I was all for buying that RV he'd been eyeing so we could see America a la Charles Kouralt. Thank goodness I came to my senses on the way home. Amy is the kind of person who likes adventure. I'm the kind of person who likes ...