Girl Scout Project

One of my blog friends, Caroline Mary, is a Girl Scout of the highest order.

I didn't last one day past my nightmare week-long experience at Camp Chowenwah when I was 12. I learned how to weave a sit-upon from newspaper, bed down at night in a tent where sounds of bugs, critters and other girl scouts who were smart/experienced enough to go on such a camping adventure with people they knew and thus talked and giggled all night whilst I, who was on my own, tried to sleep but couldn't for the noise, and right an upside canoe that I had to purposely flip over so I could experience a) flipping it back or b) hold on to the hull until I could be rescued. I never, NEVER, learned to eat cold grits and scrambled eggs. Girl Scouting remains one of my life's traumas better left for the psychiatrist's couch. So much so that while in Savannah recently I steered way away from the Juliette Low house where the founder of the Girl Scouts once lived. That squircle was better left unexplored!

The good news here, is that I won't go on about my scouting experience. The good news is that Caroline Mary and her troop (with Troop Leader, Sally Sunshine of Wisconsin bakery fame) are taking on a really big project. I salute each of the girls with my three fingered, Girl Scout salute and ask you to check out Caroline's blog. Maybe you would like to help.

Rock on Caroline,
Merry ME


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