A Grandmother's Tale

"While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about."
Angela Schwind

Ever since the earthquake (and I think before but I'm not sure) my granddaughter and her mother have been going to Haiti to help out at an orphanage/school supported by their church.

In fact the same week the earthquake hit back in January, Leila had her bags packed and was ready to go. And go she did. Talk about scary. I don't have all the details but I think the school is on the other side of the island from where all the damage took place. It's still Haiti, however, and that pretty much conjures up a picture of poverty.

Every time Ashley and her mom take one of these mission trips, St. Thomas Johnny (yes he's moved again and this is only a temporary assignment!) goes a little nuts. He knows she's doing a good thing. He knows she's surrounded by people who will keep her safe. None of that matters until he gets the phone call that she is back on good old USA terra firma. I try to leave it in the hands of the One they are serving, but it's hard not to worry.

I heard recently there are 1 million orphans in Haiti.
1, 000, 000.
That's not the number of people in Haiti. Or the number of homeless people. It is the number of babies and children WITHOUT a mother or father. I cannot even wrap my brain around a statistic like that.

So you have to wonder what can one person do?

How about this?

Or this?

I swear I weep with pride seeing my beautiful granddaughter holding this child. As I am hard pressed to give up memories, I have a hard time believing it has been almost 16 years since I held this same girl in my arms. Now she's all grown up. Come July she'll be driving. Yikes!!!

But look at her. An angel with the important assignment - to do nothing more than sit there and hold this baby in her arms. God bless them both. God bless the other 999,000 others with someone to offer a kiss of hope, a hug of courage, and a heart of love.

May the day come when every child on earth can live in a home filled with God's perfect peace,
Merry ME

P.S. I do not know the proper FaceBook ettiquette for snagging pictures. These were posted yesterday on the pages of Lisa Millard Ennis and Debbie Rennas Harvey. They were taken at the Kay Anj Orphanage in Cap Haitian, Haiti. For more information, to help or donate go to http://helpinghaitianangels.org/


Anonymous said…
Hello Mary,
I LOVE your blog! Of course you can snag any pictures you want from me! I can email you some if you'd like. I absolutely adore your Ashley and Leila. They truly "get it" when it comes to Haiti. They are the first to say 'yes' for every trip Helping Haitian Angels schedules. They have raised lots of money here in Virginia too!
While waiting for our flight last week Ashley told me that she thought that "going to Haiti is a privilege and should be taken seriously". I thought that was awesome coming from a 15 year old girl! I wish you could see the kids faces light up when they see her walk through the gate to the orphanage! Priceless!
thanks so much Mary...Debbie Harvey
Merry ME said…
Thanks Debbie for this insight into my Ashley.
I'd love to have pictures anytime.
Molly said…
Oh you must be so proud! and with reason! Your grandaughter reminds me of my best friend when we were that age. And now, she and her son go to Guatemala to do something very similar.
AkasaWolfSong said…
I am weeping openly Mary...what a living testament of Source's Love this young woman is. I can only imagine the pride and wonder you must feel when you see pictures like this, and hear of her work.
She truly is an Earth Angel!

My...my heart is so touched!
May All Children everywhere fall asleep in someone's arms, protected and cared for, loved and sheltered. Peace to the Children.
Fire Byrd said…
Caring must run like a river through your family Mary.
And you must be very proud of your Grandaughters compasion.
Pamela Jones said…
What a sweet picture of such a sweet and nurturing granddaughter. You must be so proud of her!

Good genes.
Unknown said…
Mom, Thanks for posting and sharing, I know this means alot to Ashley. She really does look forward to going and doing what she can! They have obviously grown attached to her arrivals. I am really proud of her and leila for doing what they can in a real bad situation. Love ya
I SOOOO wanna be your granddaughter when I grow up!!
Sorrow said…
There was a post I got thats not here...
well, Your granddaughter is a lovely soul, I know where the angel learned her flight!

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