
"In an age when man has forgotten his origins
and is blind even to his most essential needs for survival,
water along with other resources
has become the victim of his indifference."
Rachel Carson

Last Friday, while I was toodling along the back roads of rural Florida, other bloggers around the world were taking part in BlogAction Day 2010: Water. My blog buddy Akasa Wolfsong told me about the event because anything to do with or that can bring attention to the plight of the world's water is her passion.

I'd never heard of Blog Action Day. According to the website "this is an annual event that unites the world's bloggers in posting about the same issue on the same day. The aim is to raise awareness and trigger a global discussion around an important issue that impacts us all." I guess you could say that water is right up there at the top of the list.

Even though I'm a week late I'd still like to add my tribute to water. I was born under the sign of Pisces so in an astrological sense I'm a water baby. This past summer, I found much solace by lying on my back in the pool, eyes looking towards the heaven as I slowly drifted around the pool on the current of the pump - sunshine was my blanket, birdsongs my lullaby. I may be my happiest self when standing in the shower letting the water wash away the day's build up of fatigue, frustration, irritability, and cussedness. I love staying in there til my fingers and toes are all pruney.

While on my trip to Cedar Key, I knew it was important for me to spend some quiet, alone time just me and the sea. I took myself to the beach in the twilight hours of the day. The sun was just beginning to set, painting the sky with streaks of pink and orange. It took a much better photographer than me with a much better camera that mine to capture the beauty of it all. Sea birds and butterflies danced on currents of air I couldn't even see. I don't know for sure if the water I sat by was the Gulf of Mexico. If not, it flowed in that direction.The beach was not really a beach. It was more like a shell-strewn mud pit. It was fine for the light-footed birds looking for an evening snack, but one step into the sludge and I almost lost my sandal and my footing. So I gingerly picked my way across to a place where some bigger rocks provided a pew for me to sit on while I attended a private and holy communion with the One that created the oceans and the sky.

  • I prayed a prayer of thanksgiving for my many blessings, for safe travels, for the rescue of the Chilean miners, for the gift of life I sometimes take for granted, for friends far and near who who grace me with their love, support and encouragement, for the man I call husband and friend.
  • I prayed a prayer of forgiveness for those I have hurt and for those who have hurt me.
  • I prayed a prayer of petition for the people who are in distress, sick, dying, hurting, depressed, afraid, and, I admit, for a winning lottery ticket.
  • I prayed a child's prayer of joyful adulation for so much beauty, for birds and butterflies and ice cream cones, for cows and donkeys and curious kitties, for the color purple.
  • I prayed that the earth's water so easily taken for granted will someday soon be as clean and pure as the Creator meant for it to be.
  • I prayed that one day, in the not too distant future, the creatures of this world -earth, land, air and sea -will know peace.
  • I prayed for light to shine in the darkness and love to live in every heart.

I didn't write my prayers down, put them in a bottle or toss them into the water. Yet, I think they were carried away on the waves. I believe they were heard and I believe in the Infinite One's willingness to answer them.

Wishing for you a tall glass of clean fresh ice water,
Merry ME


AkasaWolfSong said…
Ah Mary...this warmed to the very core. How I wish I could have been sitting on a rock nearby praying along with the silence of our own thoughts as we aligned with The Divine Master.

Your prayers were heard, I know it deep within. How could they not have been, they were filled with your beautiful essence! I know too Mother Oshun felt you near Her, felt your wondrous healing energy.

Someday my Sister/Friend those waters will be pure once more. With prayers going up all over the Planet how could it not happen as long as we hold the vision?

Your photo is stunning! I'm so happy you were able to go...

Blessings for the Cool, Pure Water, and You Mary...and YOU!
Grace said…
What a beautiful post! From your descriptions of your passionate affairs with water, to you passionate prayers for all of the gloriousness that is your life..and the life of others.

There's something about being near the ocean...such a sacred beauty. Your words made me sigh with longing :)

Thank you so very much for sharing it all!
Pamela Jones said…
Mary, you offer the most beautiful prayers; and contrary to your evaluation of your own photos, I just love the one you took of the sunset water! Thank you for this!

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