
Well, I've done it. I've gone and entered a contest. It's not really a writing contest, though it did make me tweak my writing muscles as it limited my entry to 300 words. I've been known to write sentences with more than 300 words. I stretched myself for the writing experience as well the possibility of winning a day at a spa. I don't think there is a caregiver alive who wouldn't give their right arm for a day away.

So here's the deal. In order to win, I have to get the most votes. And in order to get votes I have to ask you, my friends and family, to go to this site and vote for my story. Actually I think you go here, then hit the share why you care header and that brings up a place to vote. You will notice that as of this moment I have one vote. I decided it was okay to vote for myself even though it feels a little cheating. Apparently you can vote once a day. I think the contest is over near the end of the month, so every day when you turn your computer on, or are about to turn it off, will you go to the site and vote for me? And I don't mind if you spread the news, tell all your friends, to tell their friends.

All this assumes, of course, that you feel like I am worthy of your vote. It looks like there are already a lot of deserving caregiving stories. The fact is, even if I don't win, someone really, really devoted to the care and keeping of another person will and that is okay by me.

Wishing for you a limb to climb out on to see a new view of the things,
Merry ME

P.S. Patty M. FYI: It took me about 5 times to get the preview button to work, but then it was biff, bam, boom my story was accepted. I hope you'll enter too. Let me know and I'll add a shout out for you here on my blog.


AkasaWolfSong said…
Merr-ily I make my way over to cast my vote on You Miss Merry ME!

I hope you win your day at the Spa! You surely deserve it!

Good Luck and Lots O' Blessings!
Anonymous said…
I'm in all the way! lg
Fire Byrd said…
Well Iv'e read your story and can't find a place to vote. Otherwise of course I would.

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