
"Dying is one thing.
Knowing you're dying and having to sit there and wait on it is another.
And having to sit there and watch someone who's
having to sit there and wait on it is yet another."*
Charles Martin
I just discovered this local author. He writes a pretty good story. This quote said what I've thought of saying but couldn't find the words.
My Boy Cat has been spending a lot of time with me next to Dad's bed. He's no Oscar the Cat of nursing home fame, but this morning he wouldn't let us alone. Do you think he knew Dad and I were having trouble communicating so he just plopped himself down so we could both pet him while he purred the purr of quiet contentment? Whether he knew or not, it worked.
May you be calmed by the warmth of a four-footed friend,
Merry ME
*Where the River Ends, Broadway Books, NY, P. 310
And I love your blog photo. I read all your posts on my feed reader (somehow that sounds funny) and don't always comment. Know I'm out here, listening to you and sending out good will to you :)
Aahh. Communication. Now there is a long long word.
Hugs and Love surround you.
There is something about them..
Perhaps they are remembering that they were once worshiped as gods?
I don't know..
But they have a power
to transform
like no other animal I have ever known.