Christmas Past
Unless you've still got money to spend or presents to return (of which I have neither) the pace has slowed to a crawl. No more trips to the mall. No more late night wrap-a-thons. No more last minute baking. Like the meatless turkey carcass that sits on the kitchen counter surrounded by a kizillion dirty pots and pans, the only things left of Christmas day are good memories, happy thoughts and an overwhelming desire to sleep.
As far as blogging and Christmas go, it's really not a combination that works well together. I quickly found my ability to multitask has lessened to the same degree my need to complete several jobs at the same time has grown. Even after burning the candle at both ends and telling myself "I think I can, I think I can ..." I soon realized I just don't have it in me anymore. And since something had to go, it was obviously the blog.
I feel kind of guilty, though I'm not really sure why. Guilt is really is a useless emotion isn't it?
I guess the notes and brief subject ideas about Christmas and the holidays that I wanted to write about will keep til next year. And like baking cookies, if I start early, perhaps I'll get them posted on time.
According to the calendar it's time for me to move on to New Year's resolutions. But since I'm being honest, I think it's a pretty good bet, that not only will I not keep any resolutions past the first week of January, I probably won't even make any. There are things I'd like to do differently in the days ahead; things I'd like to accomplish. Changing my diet, adding exercise to my daily routine and getting up earlier in the day would all be on the list. But let's face it, change doesn't come easy for me. Crappy excuse, but my own personal truth.
I do, however, want to keep writing. I want to be more disciplined about it. I used to be disciplined. It wouldn't be like trying to learn a new trick. As my sweetie would tell me, it would simply be a matter of choice. To write or not to write ... my choice.
For whomever might be reading this, I do hope you had a great Christmas. You know, it really is a magnificent holiday. Every year, the story of love being reborn in the most humble of places reminds me that we can (if we choose) forget the commercial trappings and concentrate on the loving. Like the Pig of Happiness, if we see rain and decide to dance instead of grumble about getting wet, life is just bound to get easier.
Merry ME