Alls well that ends well

I was strolling through the hardware store when my phone rang. Expecting it to be my Sweetie wanting something else from the plumbing aisle, I was surprised to hear a woman's voice. Thick with what I thought was a Spanish (but turned out to be German) accent the voice expectantly asked if I might have her dog. Remembering to be careful about who I turned the stray over to, I asked a few questions. Not that I really needed to. From the moment I heard the yearning in the woman's voice I knew she was the one I worried about after I stopped worrying about the dog.

She described him to a "T" even telling me about how he yelps when you touch the bump on his tale because it was once broken. Before the phone call was over I was making an appointment to give Blackie, aka Spud back to Eva.

I tried not to be sad. In all honesty I can't afford the vet bills for another pet. Mainly I was really pleased that this story was going to have a happy ending.

At 5:30 on the dot, Eva knocked on the door, starting a chain event of dogs barking, cats scurrying and my heart thumping. I opened the door an excited black dog at my heels. It only took one nano second to see how much this woman and this dog meant to each other. There was more barking. Poor Eva couldn't stop crying.
It is still a mystery as to how, why and where Spud made his fateful escape from Eva's car. The reason I never saw any "Dog Lost" flyers was because they were posted on the other side of town. Although the pooch was last seen near where I found him, he'd still done some traveling and crossed some busy roads. It explains why he just plopped himself down and decided to take a nap.
Seeing how happy the reunited family was as they walked down the sidewalk, I felt pretty proud of my rescuing abilities. Hard as it was to see them drive away, I know I did the right thing by keeping the dog rather than take him to the pound. Spud's visit added some much needed spice to our otherwise stagnant lives. Even Dad enjoyed seeing the spunky pooch chase a ball and bark at the cats. However, I think Black Beauty breathed a sigh of relief when the little whippersnapper was led away. There's only so much butt smelling an old lady dog can take.
Eva promised to bring Spud back to visit. The cats can't wait!
Feeling good,
Merry ME


Anonymous said…
Ahh, this is wonderful news indeed.


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