Dreaming - Part II

we may think, say or do today
will affect the lives of millions tomorrow."
B.J. Palmer
Don't you just love it when the planets align and all your planning comes to a successful end? Today, with the help of lots of great people, the 3rd annual baby shower went down in history as the biggest and best yet. Maybe I should be patting myself on the back but, really, all I feel is extremely grateful. Okay, throw in some pride for a job well done, but mostly awe for how well a plan can come together when everyone is working for the common good.
One of my favorite Christmas stories is a children's book, The Last Straw by Fredrick Thury. It's a

I love this book. I read it every year. I asked Sweetie if he could turn the story into a skit for baby shower entertainment. He told me he would, then proceeded to do nothing. I tried to act like I wasn't concerned. After all, our relationship is based on trust isn't it? The more I nonchalantly questioned his progress, the more Sweetie retreated. Or so it looked to me.
I learned today I had no reason to fear. Sweetie pulled it off. While I'm pretty sure that the camel costume coming from my sister's church in Washington state was divine intervention, Sweetie and his cohorts did everything else. It was awesome!

Like a little kid who got everything she asked for from Santa, I'm going to bed at the end of this long day feeling happy. My heart is full. There's still work to do - lots of packing and shipping. But for tonight, all's well that ends well.
Here's hoping you'll dream big. And that all those dreams come true.
Merry ME
but I adore a happy beginning even more..
just wow...
what a way to start the year....
this is so darn awesome cool and fun!
yay for all you guys!!!