In case you were wondering!

"Now if I had a needle and thread; As fine as I could sew
I'd sew my sweetheart to my back; And down the road I'd go.
Here! Rattler, Here! Here!; Here! Rattler! Here!
Recorded by Grandpa Jones

I took LG's (see comments on previous post) advice and googled Ol' Rattler. Was I in for a surprise. Turns out Ol' Rattler was a dog not a snake. When I mentioned this to my father he shook his head in surprise and wonder. "Who would ever think Rattler was a snake?" he asked like one of those Hee Haw guys standing out in the cornfield wearing faded overalls. Apparently I've been away from my mountain roots way too long.

It also turns out there is way more to the Ol' Rattler song than my father remembered. It's almost poetry! However, there is not one mention of our fair country, or Independence Day or even apple pie. For this reason I still question Dad's choice of patriotic songs. Clearly he's just having fun with me!

If you don't have anything better to do, like clean the bathroom or wash the car go head and click here and have a listen. WARNING: It's a catchy little tune and you just might feel the need to get up and stomp one foot while you slap the other leg to keep the beat.

Hee Haw!
Merry ME


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