Grandparent's Day (A day late ... the story of my life)

"Listen to the mustn'ts, child.
Listen to the don'ts.
Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles,the won'ts.
Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me...
Anything can happen, child.
Anything can be."
Shel Silverstein

According to the Hallmark calendar yesterday was Grandparents' Day. I didn't pay it much attention. My granddaughter lives miles away, my adopted grandson lives just about as far. My grandneices and nephews live on the other side of the country. With no one to play with or bake for or babysit, or spoil I often feel like Grammy is just another name.

This morning, however, I was nudged towards remembering that out of sight doesn't always mean out of mind. Being a grandparent is a special blessing. Even if I'm not right in the faces of the little (and not so little anymore) ones or going to school plays, sitting in the front row clapping and hooting like a fool I hope I they know I'm watching as they grow. And praying that their successes will be many, their failures few.

One of my favorite Christmas songs is "Thank God for kids" by the Oakridge Boys. It's not really a Christmas song but it seems that is the time it is most often played. It gets stuck in the country music queue somewhere between Grandma Got Run over by a Reindeer and a Redneck's 12 Days of Christmas. In my humble opinion it should really be up at the top of everyone's music list. Whether it be Christmas, Valentine's Day, Halloween, or the 4th of July, thanking God for kids is something we should all do at least once a day every day.

So I suggest you stop what you're doing (after you finish this reading this blog!) and click on the YouTube video herein. It's an old video as you'll notice as soon as you see the guy with the long beard. Today his hair is snow white. But, like grandparents, being old is not always a bad thing. It just means we've been slowly aged and mellowed - unlike parents who are quick on the draw when it comes to saying "no" whether the questions asked is "can I have another cookie" or "can I have the car keys." When you get to the final scenes in the video where one of the OR boys is up to his nose in balls, think of me. I know those ball things at Chuckee Cheese and fast food joints are nothing but breeding grounds for a new strain of virulant flu, but I have a kidlike desire to do a swan dive every time I pass one by. Again, isn't it a grandparent's job to see the fun of the moment instead of the boogey man behind the corner?

Today I give thanks to the big Grandparent in the sky (who not only created kids but keeps them in His/Her tender embrace) for these precious grandkids:

Ivy Jane
(Feel free to add to the list.)

Remembering God couldn't be everywhere so he invented grandparents,
Merry ME


Molly said…

i think you might like the thoughts she shares as part of her 21 day challenge
Pat Curry said…
I enjoyed reading your blog posts very much. As another Florida grandmother, I appreciate that so many of us are far from the precious grandchildren but they are never far from our thoughts. I am fortunate to have moved back down here when they started coming and I realized I was missing out. Now there are 6, happily all within an hours drive. And two great grandchildren as well. Thanks for putting down your thoughts.

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