For Terri
the Master calls a butterfly."
Last week, as Hurricane Danny churned by our coastline, there were some pretty heavy storms around Jacksonville. The skies were alive with lightening shows and thunderous booms. The dark clouds looked like something out of a 1950's monster movie. I'm not sure why, but it always seemed to be storming when the lab-made creatures come to life. I guess things are just scarier on a dark, rainy day.
The fun thing about having a new car with a sun roof is I've got something cool to look at when I'm stopped at a red light. Dark and ominous or light and airy I've seen some pretty remarkable cloud formations. In honor of Terri and her ability to see beyond the clouds here are some photos that give meaning to the song. Can't you just hear Judy Collins singing in the background?

They rain and snow on everyone.
So many things I would have done,
But clouds got in my way.

I've looked at clouds from both sides now,
From up and down, and still somehow,
It's cloud illusions I recall,
I really don't know clouds, at all. *
Hmmm. Am I sitting on this couch typing or do I just think I am? Hmmm? You can see why I'm easily distracted and go straight to picking my cuticles when people begin to discuss topics like this. I'm pretty simple minded. If you can touch it, it's real. If you make it up, it's illusion.
That said, one of the neat things about Illusions is the accompanying Messiah's Handbook: Reminders for the Advanced Soul. To garner the great knowledge from the pint-sized book all you have to do is open it to any page and there you'll find all the information you'll need. "Hold a question in your mind," instructions Bach. "Now close your eyes, open the handbook at random and pick left page or right." *
Before I end this post, I think I'll try it. I've got my question (what do I need to learn today?) in mind. My eyes are closed. Hold on while I search the handbook for my answer.
"Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours."
Now that's food for thought!
Wishing for you a day filled with puffy clouds, silver linings and no limitations,
Merry ME
* Both Sides Now, by Joni Mitchell, Clouds album, Elektra Records, 1969
*Messiah's Handbook: Reminders for the Advanced Soul, by Richard Bach, 2004, Hampton Roads Publishing Co., Inc.
i JUST now saw it! and of all days!
i had to skip my walk this morning, but think i'd better get out there this afteroon!!!!
i loved this! THANK YOU, mary!!!!!