Why so sad? It's hard to put into words.
I got a message today, via a friend from the "good old days" has died. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer just four short months ago. Along with looking for the best course of treatment he signed on to caring bridge which is way of journaling and getting notes from people. Reading his guestbook was like being transported back in time twenty years.
I won't say that those were the best of times, but with the benefit of hindsight I realize they were also not the worst. Sure there were long deployments, overflowing toilets, and divorces. There was also a camaraderie born out of shared joys and trials.
The helicopter band of brothers were a formidable group who played as hard as they worked. They were Naval Aviators which was, in their minds at least, only a few steps down the chain of command from God - there wasn't much they couldn't do or wouldn't try. At the time, that kind of thinking kind of drove me nuts. I see now how important it was for them to be able to do their job. With very few exceptions, everyone I knew came home from work alive.
Mort's death puts a whole new spin on things. I'm forced to realize that each of those daring fliers is no longer invincible. In recent weeks several people I know have passed away. I live with the hint of dying every day. But hearing that Mort's name has been added to the heavenly roster, brings the reality of life and death one step closer to home. Suddenly it is someone in my age group whose obituary I will read, not a stranger from another time. I feel more vulnerable.
I'm sure that in living rooms all over the country people are laughing and crying as they reminisce and tell stories about Mort. What I remember most clearly is the night, he for some reason known only to him, clamped a small, stuffed koala bear on his fly and wanted people to pat it. It's sounds as horrible now as it had to have been then. What I remember most, however, is the smile on his face, the delight that twinkled in his eye no matter how many women he offended. I guess maybe you had to be there.

Mort McCarthy
Rest in Peace
Yeh, I'm feeling kind of sad tonight.
Wishing for you time spent with friends making memories,
Merry ME
CaringBridge provides free websites that connect people experiencing a significant health challenge to family and friends, making each health journey easier.
I'm his oldest daughter. My Dad was a hero to the end.
Yea, I think it is more than alright for you to be feeling sad.
Sending you love and warm hugs...
I love you!