
"When one door closes, another opens;
but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door
that we do not see the one which has opened for us."
Alexander Graham Bell

Over at my friend Molly's blog she is working on a creative project that involves photographing doors. I don't usually spend a lot of time looking at doors. After all they are just a way to get in or out of a place. Yet, like anything else if one pays attention, one can find a world of beauty in simple every day objects.

Needing to wrap my confused mind around something besides my life's drama, my father's health, Romeo's pulled muscle and finding a new home, I tried looking at doors as I drove down streets in an old Victorian neighborhood. Not easily done. I looked some but didn't try to take any photos.

This morning I was finally able to make contact with a lady at the hospital where I donate some of the Guild of the Christ Child layettes. Again, driving down an older, more run-down neighborhood, I tried to keep one eye on the road and one on the houses/doors around me.

Almost at the hospital I saw one. The door that probably wasn't painted with me in mind, but the one God wanted me to see. After delivering the packages I went back and took the picture. What do you think? Isn't it stunning in a bright optimistic kind of way?

It's been a gray drizzly day so maybe it was the colors that first caught my eye. Once I turned my head (the light had turned red!) I saw at once it was a door.

I wanted to share it with you. It reminds me of the Bible passage ... knock and the door shall be opened unto you. Maybe if I keep the door of my heart opened too, love will come in to stay.

Wishing for you something good on the other side of your door,
Merry ME

P.S. A comment on my last post asked that I enlarge the size of my font. As you can see, today's font is a lot larger. Not because of anything I did. I think the type size is formatted to 12 pt. but my new computer seems to zoom in and out at will. I thought once something was posted it would go back to the size it is supposed to be. Apparently this is not the case. Right now, I just don't have the patience or desire to figure it out.


Molly said…
this is great! I've seen a couple that I haven't been able to get b/c I saw them in traffic. And whatever you've heard about Atlanta traffic, it's worse. So I didn't stop.

Go here and see the original door project. She's got some neat stuff.
Pamela Jones said…
May the door of your heart and the door of your spirit always look like the one in your picture. Adventure lies on the other side!
AkasaWolfSong said…
Oh how I love that door! I think your door will be revealed at the exact precise moment Merry...and wow what a door that will be.
Hmmm....Door Number One, Two, or Three?
I bet it is every bit as beautiful as you are and will be led by the Master's hands Himself!

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