Day 31 - Woodpeckers, Smiles and Ellen
What do woodpeckers, smiles and Ellen have in common? The way you feel after you've seen them. I missed posting on day 30. I was going to write about the woodpecker I noticed on the bird feeder 2 days ago. The feeder is set so that if a bigger bird or squirrel or other critter gets on the bar, it closes off the access to the food. Well this gymnastic woodpecker was able somehow to get around this small inconvenience. He held onto the bar lightly with his tiptoes (claws?), did a backwards turn and reached his long woodpecker beak into the seed trough. I tried to get picture but of course, he was camera shy. Yesterday, I was able to click a quick photo. Alas, I had to shoot through the screen, zoom in to the point of blurry and was looking into the sun. You can see a red speck but not the bird's athletic prowess. It doesn't quite have the same affect as the real thing. ____ Thursday is the day I set aside a few hours to visit with my senior friend. The onset...