
"You are always living a reflection of whatever you
are outputting. And so, if you get into a little pocket where a lot of people
are being rude, it's probably because you are being rude -- or because you have
been aware of people being rude. Nothing ever happens to you that is not part
of your vibration!"
Esther Abraham-Hicks*

I just had a thought.
A scary thought.

What if (Sorry Sweetie) when my father looks at me he sees a frowny old poot (with a pony tail).
And what if when he talks to me he hears nothing but arguments and sarcasm.

What if I am the egg and he is the chicken?
What I am the mirror and he is the reflection?

Suddenly not-so-merry


terri st. cloud said…
oh i totally don't think so.
while i get the wisdom of that quote, i also think it can lead to not so good the one you just had.......
mary.......i wish i had a mirror that showed you who you really are.

sometimes, i really think, it's just not us. i really think that.
Pamela Jones said…
How about turning it around and looking IN a mirror before you go to your dad...see if you can make HIM reflect what you bring to him in love! And if not, you've done your best...
Anonymous said…
mirror - mirror on the wall; who IS the fairest of us all? "Duh! MARY of course" said the mirror. Smart Mirror. A mirror reflects only an image, not the soul, the wisdom, the caring, the love of who you are. Accept as gospel what you are told by people who love you, as you are even when it's difficult to feel lovable; especially when you don't feel lovable. You ARE all things good. jdc
Sorrow said…
OH dear!
now that would be something!
a reality though...

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