New Blog
"A man should hear a little music,
read a little poetry,
and see a fine picture every day of his life,
in order that worldly cares may not obliterate
the sense of the beautiful
which God has implanted in the human soul."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
There's a new blog in town you might be interested in seeing and participating in. My friend, Fyrebird, over in England started it. In just the few days it's been up and running it has already got some pretty fantastic photos up.
Beautiful World is "a place to see our world from around the world."
Beauty, of course, is in the eye of the beholder. But I don't think you'll be disappointed if you make it a daily habit to stop by and see what other people around the world see. In my limited blog experience I know several photographers who consistently make me say "ahhh" or "wow" or "awesome" or "how did you get that shot?". You know who you are. Don't be shy. Hop on over to Beautiful World and sign up.
Once you see the quality of the photos you may chuckle to yourself to think that I have signed on to be a contributor. What's that saying about even a blind elephant finding a peanut now and then (a standard used by my X)? I know very little about apertures, F-stops, light and shadow. I have a simple point and shoot camera that I carry with me on the off chance I may see something that moves me. Mostly they make me think I've got a lot to learn about photography.
I wanted to put music to this post. Alas, I have no clue how to do it. Instead, you'll just have to put on your imagination cap and listen closely to the late great Louie Armstrong singing "It's a Wonderful World." About the only thing missing would be a nice glass of cold lemonade to sip while you're enjoying at the pictures.
Wishing for you a world full of beauty,
Merry ME
After a too-long nap ((ended up feeling drugged!)) I am reading and catching up with you while I have a very yummy cuppa (coffee). Thank you for sharing the "new blog" it looks very interesting, and I love celebrating life!
Here's wishing for You a day filled with cold glasses of Lemonade and Laughter!