All Saints Day

I sing a song of the saints of god
patient and brave and true
who toiled and fought and lived and died
for the Lord they loved and knew.
Lesbia Scott

Remembering people I have loved who are no longer here.
Feeling grateful for memories that keep them close.
Believing they are in a place of glory.

Wishing for you good memories,
Merry ME


Fire Byrd said…
This is such a dificult time of year for me. Dad died in October, Mum in November (although several years apart)I got cancer in November. My husband walked out on me in November. It's taking some doing over the years to be able to cope with this month!
Pamela Jones said…
Knowing they are with you -- all the time -- loving.
AkasaWolfSong said…
I'm with you Mary...and I know they are smiling down upon us.

Love and Blessings My Friend...

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