"I am thankful for the mess to clean after a party
because it means I have been surrounded by friends."
Nancie J. Carmody

Wow! I am really blown away by all the IWD Remarkable Women. To everyone who wrote in thank you for digging deep and sharing so many powerful stories; for being brave and honest; for your willingness to to acknowledge the accomplishments of outstanding women. I read each comment several times and am so impressed. I'm also very glad nobody paid attention to the "One Woman" rule. Cheaters of the world unite!

For me the common thread that wove all the stories together is the fact that all the contributors mention what I think is the heart and soul of women united. A love that is big enough to share with others in need. Mothers, grandmothers, sisters, daughters, teachers, friends, even perfect strangers had an impact on others because they took the time to give of themselves the gift that keeps on giving. They gave this gift without asking for anything in return.

I especially honor what "Ginny" and "Melissa" had to say. I cried when I read their comments, because I know how hard it is to 1) think that I am worthy, and 2) put it out there for the world to know. These ladies (and I'm guessing each of the contributors) have given up listening to the negative tapes and have chosen, instead, to believe in their own goodness. Hooray!!!

I had an email from one of the therapists I wrote about. She thanked me for mentioning her but added this, "You, however, should be your own hero! We have on so many occasions spoken of your amazing courage, determination, and values."

Won't it be a tremendous day when each and every woman in the world can be her own hero!

Here's to good women:
May we know them
May we raise them.
May we be them.*
Thanks again to all of you who made the party so much fun. And just in case you're wondering, there's no reason why people can't keep contributing.
Merry ME
* I changed the words around a little to suit me!


Fire Byrd said…
It was a pleasure to focus on the women who are important to me.The ones that have shaped my life, the ones who love me unconditionally as I do them, the ones that I don't know very well but am finding out about. They all matter so much.
Thanks for bringing IWD to my attention.

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