Day 3: Part 1

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this,

To visit the fatherless and widows in affliction

and to keep himself unspotted from the world."
KJV James 1:27

Fr/Br Georges told me last night that when God calls you, you know it. You feel it. I won't deny I feel parts like my life have been Divinely orchestrated. Then there was also that time, when I was sure God put something before me, and like Eve with the apple, I tasted it. I learned a lot from that experience and it put me on roads I never would have traveled on my own. But I'm not sure it was God that did it. So I still have the question, how does one know if one is "called" to do something by God?

Part of my experience is that things sort of fall into place. And while there has never been a lightening bolt in the sky to point the way, I have experienced little signs of reassurance. For the last week my email, the readings in church, time spent in therapy and listening to music, the theme has been loving others, being aware of children and letting go of fear.

Here I sit in Ramada Inn anxiously waiting for the clock to tick down the hours so I can begin this new adventure. Like a kid of Christmas Eve I have no idea what to expect. Will there be must-have toys from Santa or a chapter book from Mamaw? And yeh, that's driving me a little bit crazy. I'm worried about the details but so looking forward to the adventure. Sweetie, aka Bawana(?) and I are in matching Good Goers T-shirts the color of faded autumn leaves after they've been lying in the street for awhile. But we're ready to open ourselves up to new things like springtime tulips looking for the sun.

I have no idea what the computer situation is going to be at the mission site. I hope to report back but you may not hear from me til next Sunday. For some unexplained reason I feel like I'm channeling the Lone Ranger.

Hi Ho Silver, away!

Merry ME


Fire Byrd said…
Have a wonderful time now you're where you have got to. I'll look forward to hearing about your adventure whenever that is.

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