Looking Back - Part 4

"God is the friend of silence.
See how nature
- trees, flowers, grass - grow in silence:
see stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence ...
We need silence to be able to touch souls."
Mother Teresa

Some of the unexpected delights of my trip to Oklahoma were the number of opportunities for silence. One of our main goals was to interact with the kids there. We all know kids are anything but quiet so I didn't really think about silence. At first I missed the music I had expected would accompany our journey - modern day praise songs, or old fashioned hymns.

[Finally after not-so-patiently waiting and clicking the button about 6 times, this butterfly opened its wings and said, take your best shot.]

After the first day, I heard music in the somber cooing of doves, creek water dancing over stones, a light breeze whistling through the tree leaves, and the sound of stillness as little girls fell asleep. Though I wasn't prepared for the holiness of early mornings with dew still on the grass, a harvest moon rising up over the trees, sparks flying up from a pep rally bonfire rising to heaven, I knew them all to be a symphony played by the Divine One's orchestra. When Sweetie and I were alone in the clothes closet, the rhythm of our hands working in tandem resembled a chant by Gregorian monks. Who knew the sounds of silence could be so moving?

If those weren't hymns enough, my heart smiled every time the children voted to sing the "Johnny Appleseed" song before dinner. Tears trickled down my face when a girl we'd barely met handed Sweetie and me a cross she'd spent time coloring. Need I mention there is no song more holy than the sound of children laughing?

And there was also the sound of kindnesses shared.
  • People at Fr. Georges's church making us feel at home.
  • A United Airlines ticket agent, saying, "I'll take care of it."
  • A fellow team member saying to me, "you see old and unfit, I see wisdom."
  • A young girl sheltering another with the warning, "she's shy."
  • Hands held out to help the "wise" ones in and out of the crowded van.
  • Zo's impeccably good manners.
  • The "Beep! Beep!" of the cart driver as he made his way through the airport.
  • A parking attendant's smile.
  • My own bed saying "Welcome, Traveler, come let me wrap you in the comfort of home.
There were indeed many blessings to be had on our trip. Perhaps none so great as the silence that gave us a chance to hear the words of our heart.

Today I'm grateful for "the things I need. The sun, the rain and the appleseed."

Wishing for you moments of golden silence,
Merry ME


Cinderella said…
Silence is essential to peace and inner growth.

The sounds of nature are a beautiful music, the sweetest 'silence' of all that isn't silent at all except when you compare it to technology!

You have see and feel many blessings Merry. May they be reflected a million times back to you, always:)
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful post.

Herman Melville said 'Silence is the only voice of our God'... I believe it ;)

Blessings of love to you my friend,


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