NaBloPoMo - Again

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
The secret of getting started is breaking your complex
overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks,
and then starting on the first one."
Mark Twain.

I first started blogging after reading my daughter's friend's "Just Jenni" blog. She had signed up for National Blog Posting Month and I was pretty impressed that she could think of something to write about every single day of the month. I've tried it a couple of times - I can't even remember how many - and I think I only successfully completed the challenge once. Well, here it is almost November again and I've been getting notices from NaBloPoMo announcing (daring?) that the contest will start on Tuesday. During NaBloPoMo t
here is no posted theme other than to write something every day during the month of November. They have joined up with BlogHer so I'm guessing there will be lots more serious bloggers than I am used to running with.

Last week my writing group facilitator has been telling us that it's important to write a little every day. She challenged us with ten minutes or 1000 words, even gave us prompts for 14 days. I have noticed that giving me these kind of suggestions is similar to my father telling me to save money. It makes me want to do the exact opposite even though it isn't hurting anyone but me. Crazy.

In the case of writing I kind of freeze. I spend all day at the computer but I can't seem to put ten words together on a blank page. I'm not sure how I'll ever get past the unknown writer stage on my path to becoming a famous author if I can't even flex my writing muscles a few minutes every day. Alas, I see that writing, in my case, is like doing situps. If I had a daily routine, eventually I 'd have abs of steel. Right? Okay maybe not of steel, but at least stomach muscles that boast a little firmness. If I disciplined myself to write for 10 minutes a day, just think how strong my writing muscles could be.

So, I know it may sound a little fool-hardy but I think I'm going to sign up for NaBloPoMo. I've got some ideas of what to write about. And I have 2 weeks of prompts if I get stumped. For inspiration, I have friends like Terri and Pam who seem to effortlessly post to their blog every day. Hmmm, I just realized they both walk every day too. Is there a pattern there I should be wary of?

Now that I've put it out there I already feel the pressure to stick to it. Please wish me luck. And it might not hurt to add a comment every now and then to spur me on. You can be my cheerleaders when I've got the the ball but don't feel much like running down the field.

Today I'm grateful for big salads and steamy baked potatoes.

Wishing for you incentive to put your best foot forward in the direction you want to go,
Merry ME


Molly said…
What if you put a limit of 144 characters on what you could twitter? then you wouldn't be facing a lot of writing, but a sentence or two. Lame idea, I know. but I know the pressure a photo a day would create for me. I wouldn't find anything other than banal subjects in terrible light!

And one more time, I love the family tree mural. I click thru from my reader to your blog just so I can see it :)
Anonymous said…
I'll be looking forward to reading your daily posts. cp
AkasaWolfSong said…
Good Luck Mary...I'm sure you will bring some very valuable thoughts to us, whether they be humorous, reflective, artsy, or just whatever the wind blows to you...go with the flow Dear Heart!

I believe in you! :)

(((Gentle Hugs)))
Don't get frustrated...just let your heart lead! You are amazing!!!!

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