Chat Noir Writers Circle End of the Year Extravaganza

Today was "recital" day. My friend Mary says recital are for little girls. But I don't know what else to call my writing group's  end of the year gala. I guess gala would work! 2 days ago I didn't think I was going to make it.  I'd written and rewritten my story and just couldn't get it right. Not to mention short enough to fit into a 5 minute time frame.  Yesterday, I woke up with an idea made it work. Then I had to read it and read it and read it - changing a word here and a phrase there right up til 5 minutes before I left this morning.

My smart daughter gave me a pep talk last night. Don't be a Rigid Reggie, she said.  My new mantra!

Once at the venue, I got a little crazed, not about the story, but about the seating arrangements. Talk about transference. All my anxiety became irritability when it became clear there were not enough seats. And for some reason people were asking me what to do. Carol kept telling me everything would be okay. And it was, when they added another table. Finally, when everyone sat down, I relaxed.

Well, relax might be stretching it some. I didn't dare eat. But I began to enjoy the day. Let me just say, that these writers with whom I'm associated are good. Really good. And they are not just good writers. They are great performers. They soooo know how to "tell" a story.

Once in front of the audience, I no longer felt nervous. Note to self - it's the lead up not the performance that is so scary.  I read my story. Didn't stumble over words. Paused for laughter. Finished up feeling a) relieved b) proud and c)grateful.

I noticed:

  • The tired, harried, stressed out look in Diane's eyes and how it eased some with the help of 2 lemon drops. For a couple hours she was able to think about something other than her husband's illness. I remember the way that feeling. I'd been in her shoes.
  • The smiles and hugs of friendship walking in the room. 
  • What a calming affect Sweetie has on me.
  • How some people look so stylish when they wear hats.
  • The bright yellow and blue of Brooke's outfit.
  • Colorful jewelry.
  • How good stories grab my attention and hold on tight.
  • How blessed I am to be part of this group
  • How tired I felt when it was all over.
What have you noticed lately?
Merry ME


Anonymous said…
You are awesome!! Au revoir Rigid Reggie! <3<3<3, weneki
AkasaWolfSong said…
You look like a total natural standing up there Mary! :)
I bet you were outstanding...just sayin'! Keep it up Wise One...
terri st. cloud said…
way to go, ms. mar! way to go!

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