Day 24 Kindness Exchange

I saw this video of comedian Michael Jr. posted on a friend's Facebook today. It really struck a chord with me.

And it goes right along with Josh Urban's Kindness Exchange. The premise of which is to do a random act of kindness. It's that easy. Then you post your good deed at something called #kindness exchange, and Josh hangs a tag on a tree in his front yard that is illuminated with red lights to be a beacon of kindness for all to see. 

Here's the cool thing about the Kindness Exchange. You don't have to know Josh. IT's cool if you do, cause he's a pretty amazing guy, but you don't have to.  You can do the same thing right in your own city or neighborhood. Think what it might be like if, for the rest of the year, when the spirit of Chrismas is often overshadowed by shopping, pushing, shoving, wrapping, baking, mailing, swearing, and crying. Not to mention all the family dysfunction that often drowns out the Christmas carols.  If all of us keep our eyes open for opportunities to be kind to others, it's got to make for a happier holiday season all around, don't you think?

In the words of Michael Jr. "Look for an opportunity to give."

I like that idea. What about you?
Merry ME


terri st. cloud said…
ah! love this!!! i'm in!

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