"Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together."
Johann Wolfgang con Goethe

My blog friend, Terri St. Cloud, is very close to someone who has been hit with a double whammy.. Not one but two kinds of cancer. She's written some insightful posts on her blog about taking her friend to chemotherapy. It makes me send up prayers of gratitude for my health.
Another of Terri's readers has offered this suggestion (copied directly from Terri's post):
...was thinking about your friend yesterday..... and I had a thought.... when my best friend's mother was going through her chemo/radiation treatments, one of her friends started creating "links of love" for her. She had a whole bunch of her friends take these strips of paper and write messages on them- prayers, quotes, thinking of you's, little funnies, etc. And then her friends had their friends write them. And then their friends had their friends do it... and so on and so on. Then she took the papers and formed them into a chain-- like the ones kids make at Christmas time. Then everytime someone sent a new link, they just added it to the chain, to the point where it eventually got so long it circled the room twice. She said it really lifted her mom's spirits that so many people were thinking of her, even people she'd never even met.
Getting to my point. I don't know if something like that would help your friend or not. Or if it would even be something she'd be comfortable with. Our prayer group here at work has made links for a few other people over the years, and I know they would do it for your friend in a heartbeat. And judging from all the comments your friends left on your facebook status yesterday, I'm sure there'd be a whole lot of links flowing in from all kinds of places.
Terri is not the kind of person to hear a great idea like this and let it rest. She's ready to start making chain links, so I told her I'd help spread the word. If you feel like adding something to the chain, send your note to terri@bonesigharts.com. I love the idea that we can all send encouraging words to a person we don't even know with the assurance that some day, in some way, we've made a difference.
Please spread the word. And if there is someone that you want to make a chain for, I'm betting dollars to donuts that Terri will add to it.
Blessings to you,
Merry ME


I will be doing this: and thank you. One of the most amazing things about Blogland is all these connections. SO easy to send Love to the far reaches of everywhere :)

Also, I love your blog... always so thoughtful and transparent. I don't always "comment" and I resolve to do better, but I am a "reader!"

I also love the Unity piece...

and... and.... and.....xoxoxLC
terri st. cloud said…
thank you, mary!!!!!!

i think you're just so darn cool!

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