Happy Birthday Terri

"There is a wonderful mythical law of nature
that the three things we crave most in life
- happiness, freedom, and peace of mind -
are always attained by giving them to someone else."
Peyton Conway March

Today is my blog buddy's birthday.

If you read my blog on any kind of regular basis you already know that Terri St. Cloud is one of my favorite people. It's kind of weird to say that because we've never met face to face. But there's something about Terri that makes you feel like you've known her forever whether you've met her or not!

Terri is open, caring, interested, interesting, funny, thoughtful, creative, loving, and generous. If she thinks you need something, she drops whatever it is she's doing and lends a listening ear. Even over cyberspace, you know she's sitting there tuned into only you.

How do you repay a person like that? What kind of present can you give? I think her boyfriend, Bob, has topped us all by giving her the sky! Go on over to her blog and read about it! In fact, while you're there why not add a Happy Birthday greeting to the comment section? Tell her I sent you.

Terri, as you are fond of saying, today I bow down in gratitude for all the blessings you have bestowed on me. May you continue to grow in love and spirit as you share your heart with others.

Be Blessed. Know Peace.
Happy Birthday, my friend,
Merry ME


Fire Byrd said…
What a wonderful tribute to your friend.
It is an amazing place this blog world, that people we have never met, become so important to us. And sometimes we can talk to them at a deeper level that we do people we 'really' know, and that makes blog friends very special indeed.
terri st. cloud said…
aw man.
is that the coolest most neatest
thing?! mary!!!
i thought i would finish up celebrating my birthday and get back to work today.....
taking a tea break and came over here to catch up. and what do i find?!
the coolest most neatest thing.
and ms. fire byrd above DID come over and wish me a happy birthday,
thanks fire byrd!
so i'm not done celebrating!
i'm still relishing love all over the place. thank you, lady...

mary, my friend, you rock....

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