Some days it's just too much to bear

Upon hearing the air conditioner is going to need some major repairs, a friend's father took a fall recently and is not so happy with his life, the garment industry (of which I'm ashamedly a part of) takes woeful advantage of overseas workers, then dropping a box filled to the brim with Size D batteries and watching them roll all over the floor, I noticed I wanted to sit down and weep.

I'm grateful today for cold front that moved in yesterday and the mild breeze that wafts through my open windows.

Merry ME

Just when I thought my only option for today was to go back to bed and take a nap, I came across this video on FB.  Not much cuter than a piglet playing in a mudhole. Enjoy.



MamaJoe said…
I hate days when I feel overwhelmed. I am working on not allowing things run over me and knock me to the ground. The last month has been one fraught with some of the hardest things to you know. I pray that you are able to center yourself and find peace!
Constance said…
Some days feel overwhelming. Go back to bed and have a wonderful soothing nap and treat yourself to some relaxation! It's free of charge and good for the Soul:)

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