How Many Men ....

.... does it take to change a power pole?

One to dig the hole
(while 3 others look on)

One to lift the pole

One to guide the pole.

2 to change out the wires

and one to supervise!

Interesting fact for those who might be considering becoming an electric company lineman:
Out of 500 applicants only about 12 actually make the final cut. And then it there is a 4 year apprenticeship. I guess when you are working with thousands of volts of electricity they have to be a little choosy about who they get to do the job.

Just another exciting day in the neighborhood!
Merry ME


terri st. cloud said…
this made me laugh! zakk was here and i was showin' him. he was laughing too! your sweetie looks like SUCH a sweetie pie! so glad you have him!
Constance said…
Oh my, that was funny in a rolling-eyes way at the bureaucracy of the power companies' way!
Anonymous said…
sweetie is just TOO CUTE for words.

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