NabloPoMo - Day 25

Plaid potholders from

One of my favorite authors and bloggers is Jon Katz, who has succeeded in leaving the big city life behind for a farm in NY. He announced at the beginning of the week that many independent business people were going to go up against mega-businesses for holiday shoppers' dollars. Plaid Friday vs Black Friday. I think it is a grand idea. As much as I adore getting lost in Barnes & Noble and Joann Fabric I also love to wander around small, homey bookstore or quilt store where a curious cat roams the aisles and maybe there is a tray on an antique library table where you can get a spot o' tea.

Both Katz and his wife participated in Plaid Friday. He signed books and took orders by phone - no computer person to direct your call. She made plaid-backed potholders. I haven't had my sewing machine out in ages, but I imagine that making plaid potholders has got to be rather soothing.

I have always like plaid. I think I have some Scotch genes from my mom's side of the family which may acount for my plaid fancies. More likely it is because my mother was known for buying dresses in stair step sizes from baby to teen. I think there was a plaid jumper that I wore for several years because hand-me-downs kept coming!

So I'm in a plaid mood tonight:
Blackwatch plaid kilt
Argyle sweater, socks
Plaid boxers
Burberry coat
Tam O' Shanter
Madrass shorts
Gingham curtains
Duck tape (I't not your father's duck tape)
Wellington boots
Pink plaid cupcakes (
Forever Plaid (a very entertaining play)
Vans and flip flops
Flannel sheets
Dog coats
Cashmere scarfs
Buffalo plaid shirts
Flannel lined jeans
Fur lined flannel hat with ear flaps
and last but not least - Scottie dogs (which aren't exactly plaid, but always make me think of a red/green/black MacGregor tartan

Today I'm grateful for movement, no sitting around whining.

Wishing for you a soft and cozy flannel blanket to snuggle under on a cold winter day,
Merry ME

P.S. Don't forget to support individual, community, independence and creativity.


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