In My Book, Honessty is the Best Policy

"A half-truth is a whole lie."
Yiddish proverb

I told a lie.

Well, actually someone else told a little white-ish untruth. Then I went along with it. Then, in an effort to keep it going, I embellished it.

My stomach started hurting. I couldn't look the lie-ee in the eye. I felt icky inside.

In the end, I think the truth came out, but I can't be sure. I wasn't there. Funny, I was around for the lie, but not the truth.

I don't like to veer off the path of truth. This was a good reminder.

Feeling contrite,
Merry ME


Fire Byrd said…
I used to try and lie when I was a teenager and would always get caught out. So truth however difficult is it!
Tom Bailey said…
Lying about surprise birthday parties is ok right?

Kindest regards,

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