Countdown to Christmas - Christmas Day 2009

Christmas circa 1955*
So this is Christmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Christmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
John Lennon, Happy Christmas (The War is Over)
And so this is Christmas!
After all the shopping, baking, singing, decorating, laughing, eating, stressing, wrapping, and merry making another Christmas Day is upon us. There is so much to be grateful for and happy about. Everything is not perfect but it is as good as it is going to get for today.
The house is quiet, except for the sound of Dad's walker moving slowly down the hall. I can smell the balsamy eucalyptus scent of the wreath that hangs over the mantle. The stockings are filled waiting for people to gather around and see what's stuffed inside. The table is set for a family meal, dysfunction is knocking at the door. Grabbing just a few minutes to herself the cook sits here with her computer trying to think of a new way to say Merry Christmas.
By writing this blog I've noticed that I've paid way more attention to the merriment and holiness of the season. I've opened my eyes and ears and heart to the sights and sounds and people around me. I've read and witnessed how other people take/make the time to celebrate. For sure it is a crazy time of year. There is way too much focus put on the buying of things, and I've been caught up in that too. Still, I've tried to stay focused on the importance of giving - not things so much as my time and focus. I haven't always succeeded, but I've come closer than I expected to.
Here are some other thoughts I'd like to share with you on this blessed day. I couldn't decide which I liked more, so I decided to include them all. Enjoy:
"Merry Christmakwanzakah!
No matter what path you walk on in your life,
religious, spiritual, atheist, yogic, nature,
or none of the above
I feel that today is a very special and symbolic day.
Far too often we use our differences to divide us.
This group believes this, this group believes that -
look how different we are.
And while variety is indeed the spice of life
and different points of view all help
to push us forward to see the many sides of life;
I think the most important thing to focus
on this Holiday season,
this Christmas is what our similarities are.
We may have a million differences,
but if we can find even one similarity
that is enough of a bond to rally
and unite around.
My belief is that the one thing we all share,
above anything else,
is the strong desire to Love and be Loved.
This is what moves us, binds us and keeps us moving.
To feel love in action is to feel and be alive."
Mastin Kipp, The Daily Love

"There will be no peace
in the word at large,
or the world in which you
live until you are at
peace in your heart.
Seek your peace in all
the areas of your life,
leave no soul unfound
or love left unspoken"
jdc, 12/25/09

"May the spirit of Christmas bring your peace
May the gladness of Christmas give you hope
May the warmth of Christmas grant you love."

"Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas
if you stop opening presents and listen."
Author unknown
attributed to a 7-year-old named Bobby

"Do not be afraid;
for see - I am bringing you good news
of great joy for all the people ..."
The Christmas angel
(Luke 2:12)

So to each of you who visit me here at Random Thoughts I thank you for the lessons you teach me. I thank you for your examples, your words, your humor, your comforting comments. May each of you be filled with the special joys of the season.
Merry ME

(Ed. Note: Back when my Dad was in his photography phase he took pictures and made his own Christmas cards. When we cleaned out closets a few months ago, I found a box full of old photographs, and contact sheets. This picture, sized 11x14, was in the box. I did not intentionally crop out my sister, Jo. The picture was way too big for the scanner and this was the best I could do. The little girl looking quite angelic is the child I know as Little ME)


Fire Byrd said…
Thank you for your friendship over the last year Merry.
Here's to more next year.
Love the quote by 'Bobby' works for me bigtime.
terri st. cloud said…
that picture of you is beyond priceless, lady. wow. wow. wow.
i love that. i think you should definitely do some inner child work with that one!!! :)

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