Gratitude - Day 28

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
It turns what we have into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order,
confusion into clarity...
It turns problems into gifts, failures into success,
the unexpected into perfect timing,
and mistakes into important events.
Gratitude makes sense of our past,
brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow."
Melody Beattie

I'm grateful today for an email I got from a blog friend. It's a little strange to be thankful for something that makes your stomach tighten and tears run down your face. Yet, even as I reacted in fear, I knew what she was doing was opening a door to my heart. By honestly sharing her own story she showed me a way to change the way I see some things in my life.

I'm grateful to Sweetie for knowing without words that something big was happening. He listened and comforted. He made some suggestions and encouraged me to look fear in the face and make some changes.

I'm grateful for some really cool salt and pepper shakers my sister gave me last night. If we win the lottery tonight I plan on being at Pier One tomorrow when the door opens to buy bowls, and plates and glasses to match them. For now I treasure the gift Jean gave me. It was the look on her face as much as the gift. She was so excited, she couldn't wait til Christmas. That's how I like to gift people - to be as excited about the giving as hopefully they will be at the receiving.

I'm grateful for time alone with my man. We weren't actually alone because we were surrounded by lots of shoppers as we moved from one store to another. Even if he's on one side of a store and I'm on the other, I like knowing we're in the crowd together. Can you be separated and together at the same time? I think so.

Wishing for you courage to face your fears, and someone to hold your hand while you do it,
Merry ME


Fire Byrd said…
Lovely post. You sound happy.

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